And Now You Know

If you think that I’ve forgotten you’re wrong. A mother will never forget the tiny fist that rested in the center of her chest reaching for more. For once it has fallen between her breasts and relaxed into a bundle … Continue reading

Sonnet for 2022

Sonnet for 2022 To sing of loss, redemption, love and hate, while tidal waves arise, collapse and flood. Recovery comes, though some proclaim “too late” and green shoots sprout, defiantly, from mud. Life’s universal song, creation’s tune, resounds with random … Continue reading

The Enormity of Life (writing haiku)

It starts out with this. two lone sunflowers bend heads over a gravestone tall, gangly mourners then the debate with self mammoth, two-syllables, may be better a truer description of plant and emotion replace 1st 2 beats of 1st line … Continue reading

Elegy for Michael P. (B.September 7, 1941 – D. August 3, 2020)

Of late, I wake at night, converse with air our constant ruminations carry on we may debate each day from dusk ‘til dawn, since now your residence is everywhere. Your lyric voice like Gabriel’s trumpet sounds though muses rouse, then … Continue reading

The male cardinal outside my window at 5:43am

seems depressed. His usual courting call ending in a rapid, repetitive note tuit-tuit-tuit-tuit-tuit-it-it-ititititit is now short, by more than half. He never arrives at the final flourish his pièce de résistance his pleading, staccato insistence for a mate tuit-tuit-tuit-tuit resigned … Continue reading

Nest Led Lives

winter has laid a soft sheet on a nest left dreaming of featherless pencil-thin necks holding up sunny-yellow beaks full-open, throats begging wobbly with the weight of birth the urgency of hunger and looking like tulips in the winds of … Continue reading